Pick.Click.Give. When You File Your PFD

You have the power to save Alaska’s wild birds. Because of people like you, we can continue to provide medical treatment to injured, ill, and orphaned wild birds and share their stories to inspire others to care about birds and their habitats as much as you.

Pick.Click.Give. allows Alaskans to donate a portion of their Permanent Fund Dividend to Bird Treatment and Learning Center.

While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax-deductible, and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. Permanent Fund Dividend applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.

Go to pfd.alaska.gov to add a pledge today!

The program is run by The Alaska Community Foundation in partnership with the Rasmuson Foundation, The Foraker Group, and the State of Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Division.

Thank you for supporting Bird TLC. Bird Treatment and Learning Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gifts are deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our federal tax id # is 92-0130037. We receive no local, state, or federal funding, relying solely on caring individuals like you.