About Bird TLC — Bird Treatment and Learning Center

We Care for Alaska’s Wild Birds

Our Mission

To care and advocate for Alaska’s wild birds through rehabilitation, education, and outreach.

our vision

A world in which people are proactive, compassionate stewards of wild birds and their habitats.

We Value


Nurturing compassion and respect for all living beings.


Promoting responsible stewardship of wild birds and their habitats.

Serving Alaska

Serving Alaska by caring for the wild birds who are a vital part of its iconic landscapes.

Quality Care

Providing quality care for the birds in our rehabilitation clinic and education program.

Strategic Plan 2025 - 2030

Bird Treatment and Learning Center envisions an exciting future in which we thrive as a professional organization, nationally recognized for the quality of our avian rehabilitation services and conservation education programs. 

Read about the Strategic Operating Priorities we will pursue between 2025 and 2030 to achieve our envisioned future.

Bird Treatment and Learning Center (Bird TLC) began as a handful of volunteers working under the guidance of James R. Scott, DVM, at Arctic Animal Hospital. We became a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1988.

After outgrowing the animal hospital, we operated out of rental locations until 2022 when we moved into a newly constructed 4,000-square-foot clinic above the birding hotspot of Potter Marsh.

Injured, ill, and orphaned wild birds come to our clinic from across Alaska. We care for over 500 birds a year with the goal of returning them to the wild.

We provide conservation education programs to K -12 students and the general public, reaching thousands of people a year to encourage awareness of and compassion for the wild birds we share the world with.

Bird Treatment and Learning Center operates under permits issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. We receive no local, state, or federal funding, relying solely on donations.

Dr. Scott treats an eagle injured during the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Dr. Scott treats an eagle injured during the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Dr. James Scott

Bird TLC’s founder, Dr. James Scott, DVM, passed away on January 25th, 2017. We are grateful for his compassion for and care of the wild birds of Alaska.

Dr. Scott educated many children about the importance of environmental concerns, especially after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. He was the recipient of multiple awards for his veterinary service, as well as the Pfizer Merit Award for activities in Civil Defense following the Alaska Earthquake. He was honored by President Reagan with the Take Pride in America award.