PHONE: 907-562-4852


Address: 15510 Old Seward Hwy.
Anchorage, AK 99516

HOURS: 9 AM - 5 PM M - F


Please call us at 907-562-4852 and leave a message. We monitor our voicemail daily until 8 pm. If you are calling about an injured or orphaned bird, we will return your call to provide more instructions for overnight care and make arrangements for you to drop the bird off at our center. Thank you!

Click here if you have found an injured bird.

Click here if you have found a baby bird.

If you have found a bird that appears to be sick or is dead and the cause is not apparent, do not handle the bird as it may have Avian Influenza. Report the bird’s location to the Alaska Sick or Dead Bird Hotline at 1-866-527-3358.