Raising Orphaned Baby Birds

Last month, we featured Cindy and Dave Schraer, Bird TLC volunteers who raise orphaned waterfowl. This month, we spotlight another passionate volunteer, Karen Coady, who raises orphaned songbirds.

Raising young birds, especially songbirds, is no easy feat. It requires round-the-clock care - feeding and watering, cage cleaning, monitoring health, and eventually flight testing before release. Despite all this, Karen single-handedly raised over 20 orphaned songbirds this summer.

Karen provides a heat source to babies who can't yet thermoregulate, gives Pedialyte to combat dehydration, feeds, feeds, and feeds until the little ones can eat independently.

Karen takes on the responsibility of raising these orphans without complaint or hesitation. She is a rockstar volunteer who gives every young rescue 100% of her attention and care. If that weren't enough, she is also part of Bird TLC's Education Team and presents conservation education programs to the public.

One of Karen's favorite releases this year was three young Violet-green Swallows who came to her late in the summer. With only a short window open before all the adult swallows had left for migration, she worked hard to encourage these little ones to fly, but to no avail.

Fortunately, friends of Bird TLC's had a second clutch of Violet-green Swallows in a nesting box. One of the babies was reluctant to leave the safety of the nest, so the parents were still feeding him.

Karen and another volunteer placed the three orphans in the nesting box and waited anxiously to see what would happen. The parents swooped in immediately and began feeding. By the next morning, all the babies had left the box! These moments inspire Karen to dedicate her summers to raising and releasing orphaned songbirds.

We are grateful to Karen for all of her hard work on behalf of the wild birds of Alaska!